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Vlk (Pet)



  • Vlk je pet, kterého může získat i low-level postava. Vlci jsou velmi hbití a protože jsou poměrně slabí, měl by se o ně ze začátku majitel hodně starat, aby nezemřeli.


  • Narozdíl od hatchlinga nemá vlk žádné zvláštní schopnosti.
  • Jsou dvě možnosti, jak získat vlka - buď splnit příslušný quest - Get a pet, nebo ho získat od jiného hráče.
  • Vlk má zpočátku level 15. Žrádlo pro něj je možné získat od Pet Managera ve vesnici.


Popis: Odměna:

Pro quest si zajděte za Pet Manager Martin do Gludin Village

Wolf Collar
Start Level: Odměna pro nováčky:
15+. Neznámá
Začátek v: Pro Rasy:
Gludin Village Všechny
Typ: Pro povolání:

Opakovatelný, Sólo




  • 1. Quest dostanete od Pet Manager Martin v Gludin Village.



  • 2. Až s ním promluvíte, pošle vás do vašeho rodného místa. Dark Elfové zabíjí Horrory, ostatní zabíjí pavouky. Když mu donesete 50 věcí, pošle vás za třemi NPC.

Human- Talking Island různé Pavouky




Dark Elf- ve Swampland různé horrory




Dwarfové- různé Tarantule

Elf- Crimson spiders (lvl 15, agresivní), Hook spiders (lvl 17, pasivní) nebo Pincer spiders (lvl 17, agresivní).

Orc -Kasha spiders (lvl 15, pasivní), Kasha poker spiders nebo Kasha blade spiders (lvl 17, pasivní).




  • 3.- a) Promluvte s Accessory Jeweler Ellie v Giranu.


  • - b) Promluvte s Gatekeeper Bella v Town of Gludio



  • -c) Promluvte s Guard Metty v Dionu.


Guard Metty in Dion





  • 4. Vraťte se k Martinovi a on vám dá 10 otázek, jsteli schopni se starat o peta.
  • Dostanete kombinaci těchto otázek

(Otázek je hodně, tak kdyžbyste našli nějakou chybu nebo otazku která tu chybí pošlete :) dik)

  • Q: The following are description on the life of a wolf. Choose the wrong description among the choices. 
    A: A pregnant wolf makes its home in a wide open place to have its babies 

    Q: What is the normal life span of a wolf in captivity? 
    A: 12-15 years 

    Q: How is a wolf's tail normally positioned? 
    A: It's tail is always pointing straight down 

    Q: What kind of wolf leads the rest when hunting in a pack? 
    A: Male 

The wolf is a meat-eating mammal of the canine family.Which animal among the following is not a meat-eating mammal of the canine family?
- None of the above.

How far (in kilometers) can a wolf's smell reach?
- 2.4 km

What is the best way to train your pet?
- When taking down a monster, always have a pet's company.

Which is not a proper description of the breeding of wolves?
- Pregnancy is nine months.

Which of the following is not a part of the Wolf's diet?
- None of the above.

What kind of wolf leads the rest when hunting in a pack?
- Male

What is the normal lifespawn of a wolf in captivity?
- 12-15 years

Which of the following do not describe the life of a wolf.
- A pregnant wolf makes its home in a wide open place to have its babies.

Which of the following isa the correct description of a wolf?
- A grown wolf is still not as heavy as a fully-grown male adult human.

The following connections are made between the wolves
and their habitats. Which is not correct?
- Orc - Black Wolf

How is a wolf's tail normally positioned?
- It's tail is always pointing straight down.

Pets are very useful to their owners. Which of the following is not an appropriate use of a pet?
- Can be sent to the village to buy items.

What are the oldest and most primitive type of wolves found in Aden?
- Dire Wolf

When the pet is killed it may be resurrected within a certain amount of time.
What is the maximum delay allowed before resurrection becomes impossible?
- 24 hours

What is the best way to train your pet?
- When taking down a monster, always have a pet's company. 


  • 5. Když odpovíte ve zprávně dostanete Wolf Collar.      image           


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